The Spoke-Back Sofa
Here you will find our selection of used and newly upholstered Børge Mogensen Spoke-Back sofas (BM 1789). We have Spoke-Back sofas in different materials.
About Børge Mogensen Spoke-Back sofa:
The Spoke-Back sofa was shown for the first time at Snedkerlaugets Møbeludstilling in 1945, where Børge Mogensen and Hans Wegner gave a bid for the apartment of the future where the Spoke-Back sofa was present. The Spoke-Back sofa and the Spoke-Back chair (model 1788) created a great deal of attention at the exhibition, and to this day Børge Mogensen's Spoke-Back furniture is some of his most popular designs.
This is why you should buy your used Børge Mogensen Spoke-Back Sofa at CPH-Classic:
When you are looking for a used Børge Mogensen Spoke-Back, it is no secret that there are lots of models that with the naked eye could easily look like a Børge Mogensen. That is why it is important to be vigilant when buying used Børge Mogensen sofas. At CPH-Classic, we have more than 15 years of experience with Børge Mogensen sofas, and can therefore guarantee that all our chairs are 100% genuine and produced at Fredericia Furniture.
- So if you want to be on the safe side, buy your BM Spoke-Back at CPH-Classic!
In addition, there are the following advantages to shopping at CPH-Classic:
- Half the price of the new price:
When you buy a newly renovated Børge Mogensen Spoke-Back with us, you get it for about half the recommended price from new.
- 2 years guarantee:
At CPH-Classic, we stand by our work, which is why we give a 2-year guarantee on our Børge Mogensen Spoke-Back sofas.
- Completely renovated:
All our used Spoke-Back sofas have been completely renovated, which means that they have been reupholstered if necessary, and have their legs polished. Once the sofa has been reupholstered and further refurbished, it is difficult to see that it has been used.
- Original sofas only:
At CPH-Classic, we only shop with original Børge Mogensen sofas from Fredericia Furniture. We have 15 years of experience in Børge Mogensen furniture and can therefore with our expertise guarantee that all our furniture is original.